Natural Testosterone 90 capsules



Traditional Uses:

Increasing testosterone levels. Improving fertility. Restoring libido. Feeding the nerves. Generating strength.



Ashwaganda, Epimedium, Sarsaparilla, Tribulus and Absorb-up

90 capsules x 500mg





Increase strength and vitality with Natural Testosterone.

  • Increase testosterone.
  • Generate strength and energy.
  • Increase male fertility and reproductive energy.
  • Nourish the nerves, muscles and endocrine system.

This herbal remedy contains:

  • Ashwaganda
  • Blue-flowered African Sage
  • Catuaba
  • Epimedium
  • Tribulus
  • Jamaican Sarsaparilla
  • Morinda
  • Mucuna
  • Tribulus

These herbs are traditionally used in the treatment of:

  • Sexual disinterest.
  • Premature ejaculation.
  • Fatigue, weakness or low stamina.
  • Feeling old before your time.
  • Mental dullness.
  • Impotence.
  • Painful or dribbling urination.
  • Small, underdeveloped muscles or testicles.
  • Also relieves frigidity and lack of sexual interest for many women.

These herbs promote the following mental-emotional patterns:

  • Greater enthusiasm and playfulness.
  • Better energy, endurance and mental alertness.
  • Increased sexual confidence.



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