Anxiety Ease 90 capsules



Traditional Uses:

Relieving anxiety, palpitations, rapid heartbeat and dizziness. Relaxing nerves and muscles, releasing spasm and tension. Promoting rest and relaxation.


Black Cohosh, Kattekruid,Lemon Balm, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Passion flower, Valerian and Absorb-up.

90 capsules x 500mg




Ease Anxiety and Panic Attacks with Anxiety Ease

  • To relieve anxiety, palpitations, rapid heartbeat and irritability.
  • Increase heart energy.
  • Calm the spirit.
  • Restore the nerves.
  • Promote rest.


This Herbal Remedy Contains:

  • Kattekruid
  • Motherwort
  • Valerian
  • Passion Flower


These herbs are traditionally used to help in healing:

  • Worries and emotional distress.
  • Palpitations / rapid heartbeat.
  • Irritability, including per-menstrual tension.
  • Labored breathing or chest pains.
  • Wheezing.
  • Unrest, nervous tension and uneasiness.
  • Difficult sleep / insomnia.
  • Night sweats.
  • Tension headaches.
  • General anxiety.


These herbs promote the following mental-emotional patterns:

  • Taking life more easily.
  • Pacing yourself more appropriately.
  • Finding relaxation and rest.
  • More awareness of your true needs and less emphasis on ego needs.
  • Finding the balance between outer demands and inner needs.
  • A greater commitment to quality living.
  • Clarity and peace of mind.
  • Calmness.




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