Our Story


Cape Of Good Herbs is the name of a South African company that manufactures and sells herbal medicines to health practitioners, health shops and members of the public. At present the herbs are sold in capsule, tincture or powdered format. The vegetable cellulose capsules are filled with carefully dried and freshly milled herbs. Herbal blends and singles are also available in tincture format.These herbal blends are based upon the passion, research and experience of former Chemical Engineer, now Energetic Herbalist and Iridologist, Pieter van der Westhuyzen.

In 1987 Pieter started his study of Iridology, Naturopathy, Herbalism and Energetic Medicine Six years later he left his post as a lecturer in Food Technology and Physics, at Natal Institute of Technology (Durban) and started what was to become a successful practice as a natural health practitioner. In the course of his practice Pieter required healing medicines that would bring effective relief for the various disorders presented by his clients – he made use of what was available via health shops, pharmacies and so on and found that there was still a shortage of reliable natural medicines for specific illnesses. As he researched and applied the knowledge that arose, he was fine-tuning what was to become a superb range of medicinal herbal blends, the efficacy of which has been constantly monitored to optimize results.

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