High Quality Natural Medicines

Heal Your Body Naturally

What We Do

At Cape Of Good Herbs, wisdom, experience and care are gathered together in a special range of herbal remedies, unique in their harmonic fusion of traditional African, Western and Eastern herbs.They are known as Cape Of Good Herbs and are based on the principles of energetic medicine, which form the foundation of Ayurveda, Unani-Tibb, Traditional Chinese, Tibetan and Greek Medicine, amongst others.

A precious gift, distilled from millennia of traditional knowledge, with the benefits of modern science to ensure quality and consistency.

In 26 years of research, verification and on-going improvement of these blends, within his natural health practice, Pieter van der Westhuyzen has ensured the optimal choice of Main Player herbs, with enhanced digestion and the use of appropriate Conductors to get the herbs to where they’re needed.

Entrust us with your health, you won’t be disappointed.

Our Top 5

Customer Reviews


I have come to fully trust the Resist & Recover, whenever I feel anything coming on I take a few and has helped maintain my health in these tough times.


My fingers where starting to feel stiff and sore all the time, the start to arthritis. I work in digital marketing and require my hands to work properly and without complaint. Thankfully I found the Acidity Ease, which has provided much needed relief.



Before trying the Natural Testosterone I was unmotivated with no sex drive. Since taking it I have come back to life. My sex drive has more than double and I have made leaps and bounds in terms of fitness. Highly recommend.

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